Yearly reflection: The Power of Gratitude

“Did you have a great year?” 

“How did it go for you?” 

“Did you shift your dreams or vision?” 

These are common questions we get asked, ask ourselves and others, as the year winds down. We often evaluate how our year unfolded-what went right and what didn’t. 

For some, it’s a time to celebrate, checking off goals from their list, while for others, it’s a moment to whine over what they didn’t accomplish thus disregarding their year altogether, overlooking the progress they’ve made, no matter how small.  

There’s one important lesson I’ve drawn from an antagonizing yet refreshing journey: the power of gratitude. 

Gratitude brings to light the gift of having had 365 days in a year; a journey in itself

For every journey or race, whether you finish first or last, this fact remains: you completed something. You showed up! that alone, deserves recognition. 

Imagine climbing a mountain. Whether you reached the peak or stopped halfway up the slope, you still made an effort and that effort, matters!  

How about we took a moment to appreciate ourselves for the effort we put in, the sleepless nights, the rough rides and the bumpy roads?  

Let’s applaud ourselves for taking those steps, regardless of the outcome. 

Many things may have gone awry this year, while others worked out! 

I don’t know your exact story, but here’s one thing I implore you to hold on to: GRATITUDE 

Be grateful for the fact that you started this year and are now at the finish line. 

It doesn’t matter how you got here. whether you arrived panting, limping or collapsing. The point is, you are here. That alone, is worth celebrating. 

You have life and as long as there is life, there is hope. 

Sorry if your year didn’t go as planned. Remember this: It is never too late to make things right.  

As we look ahead to 2025, know that you can still achieve great things! 

Take a look at your 2024 resolution. Even if you weren’t able to check everything off your list, be grateful for the items you did accomplish. 

Gratitude opens doors. When we are grateful, we create an atmosphere that works in our favor. Negativity, on the other hand, only brings negative results. 

There is immense power in gratitude. Once you embrace it, you’ll realize that your year was beautiful after all. You’ll feel proud of how far you’ve come, despite the trials. 

As you prepare for 2025, carry forward any unfinished goals with hope and determination. Let your journey be a continuation, not a closed chapter. Believe that God will give you the strength to keep moving forward. 

One thing I’ve always held on to is the Serenity Prayer, which goes: God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can and wisdom to know the difference. 

This prayer teaches us to draw power from understanding what we can and cannot change. When we recognize this difference, we become champions of change in our lives and in the lives of those around us. 

Greatness is within each of us-we just need to nurture it! 

Here’s to appreciating our journey and stepping boldly into 2025 with gratitude, hope and courage.


About the Author

Prudence Uyungrwoth Is a Program specialist, Children’s, youth & women advocate, writer, Editor, crochet enthusiast & instructor Administrator and Founder of the I am Great and Capable (IGAC) non-profit charity. Image courtesy of Prudence Uyungrwoth


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